
What to Do When You Hate Your Job

What to Do When You Hate Your Job
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I hate my job. I hate my Company. I hate my boss. Many people do hate something or other about their work, and I can’t keep track of how many times I’ve seen those phrases lately.

That’s not good, for a couple of reasons. First of all, it’s tough to go to work every day when you hate it. Secondly, it really isn’t good to broadcast the fact that you hate your job all over the Internet.

That doesn’t mean you have to keep it. There are steps you can, and should take to move on if you hate your job and you’re not happy at work. We spend too much of our time working to stay in a job or work environment we hate or even dislike. Besides being happier, you’ll do a better job if you’re working at a job you love, or at least like.

Keep Your “I Hate My Job” Thoughts to Yourself

Even if you do hate your job, keep it to yourself and your family or close friends. Don’t tell the world, because the wrong person is probably going to see what you posted. Search Twitter for “I hate my job” to get an idea of what I mean.

Employees aren’t the only ones using social networking sites. Employers are there, too, and if you say it someone will probably read it. Tweets, for example, show up in Google search. And, if you aren’t careful about your Facebook privacy settings, you’re opening yourself up for the wrong person to see it there, as well.

You don’t want to lose your job before you start looking for a new one, just because you complained about it. Instead, it makes more sense to strategically plan your exit from the company.

Know it’s Not Just You

Being in the situation where you’re the person saying “I hate my job” can happen to any of us.

It happens. The job might not be what you expected. Or, the job itself may be okay, but your boss or co-workers are awful. Perhaps you don’t like the schedule or your customers, or something else about the work environment.

If you’ve reached the point where you have acknowledged that you hate the job, it’s actually not a bad place to be at. At least you know, and you can figure out what to do next.

Don’t Just Quit

Don’t just quit your job. You don’t want to resign in haste and repent at leisure if you can’t find another job fast. Begin by considering options for making the job work. Are you sure you really need to quit or could you just be going through a tough time?

Is there anything you could be doing differently to be happier at work? Could you ask for a transfer or a shift change? Is there anything that would make a difference and convince you to stay? Perhaps there’s a way to turn things around so you least like, if not love, your job. Consider the alternatives, before you make a decision to leave. Finding a new job isn’t always easy, if there’s a fix, it’s worth pursuing.

Get Ready to Job Search

If there’s no way you can stay, that’s fine, too. Again, at least you know. Don’t quit your job yet though, regardless of how much you hate it.

It’s easier to find a job when you have a job, and you probably won’t be eligible for unemployment if you quit.

Instead, take the time to create or update your LinkedIn profile. Use these tips to write a LinkedIn profile summary that will get noticed by hiring managers. Update your resume. Get some references lined up. Build your network by connecting with everyone you know on LinkedIn and the other top networking sites.

The more prepared you are before you actually start looking, the easier your job search will be.

Start Your Job Hunt

Start a job search, quietly and discreetly. Don’t broadcast the fact that you’re job searching for the same reasons you’re keeping quiet about hating your job. You don’t want your boss or someone else to know that you’re planning to leave until you’re ready to share the news.

Use the job search engines to see what jobs are available for candidates with your background. Then test the waters. Start applying for jobs and talking privately (via email, Facebook and LinkedIn messaging, etc.) with your contacts about the fact that you are seeking a new job.

These ten steps to finding a job covers everything you need to know to get your job search started and to keep it on track. Do keep in mind that it might take a while to find a new position, so be prepared for the long haul.

Be Careful About What You Say

When it’s time to resign, I know that you probably want to shout it to the rooftops, but still, don’t broadcast the fact that you hated your last job. Companies check references. They ask about previous employers in interviews and what you say matters.

One applicant I interviewed spent the entire time talking about how much she hated her last job and the company she worked for. That company was my client’s biggest customer. There was no way I was going to hire anyone with that big a chip on her shoulder for a job where she’d have to work with an employer she had disliked so much.

Resign With Class

Resign gracefully, giving two weeks notice or more. Offer to provide assistance during the transition and leave, as best you can, the company behind with no hard feelings.

Besides not being worth what it might cost you from a career perspective, it’s also not worth the time and energy. You’ll be better focused on your new job and how you can have a better experience, this time around. 

Contributed by Alison Doyle

Agolo Uzorka
the authorAgolo Uzorka

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